Alone in the train, going somewhere she didn't belong, she thought of all that came to her mind.
She couldn't get any structure of all the things that popped up in her head.
Maybe that was a good thing.
Looking out of the window, out at something that didn't have anything at all to say to her, she felt that feeling sneaking up on her.
The same feeling she got every night before she fell asleep.
The same feeling she got every time that song was playing.
The same feeling that hit her when she saw something that reminded her about them.
Out of nowhere, the flashbacks were there. It is usually like that you know.
You might know it's over, that there was no more to add to the story.
You might have tried to forget it all,
maybe you even did for a while.
But in the end it all comes back, It always does.
But in the end it all comes back, It always does.
Maybe just because you denied it all along.
You forgot him for so long that when that feeling comes back,
it feels like it never really left.
That feeling that there is something more,
That feeling that there is something more,
something that's not over yet.
And you'll wait, maybe you'll spend all your life waiting and wondering.
Wondering if he ever thinks about you,
wondering if he still remember,
wondering if he still hear your voice, remember how you felt to touch,
and the way you giggled when he held you close.
You might spend you're whole life wonder if he remember you the way you remember him.
But it was over, it really was.
So that's all you could ever do.
Just wait and wonder.

Åh, vilken underbart fin text. Känner verkligen igen mig just nu, tack för att du träffade rakt i hjärtat!
Felicia Elinor Weerén