I just wanna hear your heart.

The sky was as dark as his thoughts have been lately, and she was sitting there next to him, with the same light and warmth that had kept him going for the last couple of days.
She passed him the bottle of that cheap wine that actually tasted good, as she kept looking out on something that wasn’t there to look at.
They hadn’t spoken for over an hour and they didn’t need to.
The warmth of her side and the music playing from his pocket was all he needed.
He looked at her, as he passed her the bottle back and could see a change in her face.
Her lips were shaking and her eyes weren’t wandering to somewhere far away anymore, they were here, present.
”Tell” he said.
Just one word is all that a person like him need to say to a girl like her.
She cuddled up on the bench, wrapped her tiny arms around her legs before she began to speak.
” It is just so sad you know, this beautiful beautiful world we live in is just so messed up.”
She took another sip, a big one, and let her palms dry away the drops that was left on her upper lip.
” I was just thinking about how it’s so sad. So goddam frikking sad that people don’t know what beauty is. That people admire rather than love. That people have long forgotten what it means to feel, to love and even care. It used to be the easiest thing on earth. And now, look at us.”
He still didn’t say anything, how could he, he knew she wasn’t done.
Her tears started rolling down her cheeks.
”Ask me what I want most in the entire world ” she said and stood up in front of him in the blink of an eye.
”Ask me” she said once again as his sad eyes kept looking at her while his mouth kept its firm line.
”What do you want most in the entire world right now?” he finally said.
She laid down on the ground and covered her eyes with her palms.
”I just wish, that the entire world could go blind.”
And he smiled, not because she was laying in the dirt or because he was happy.
This girl, was crying for so much more than her own sadness, and that is truly what makes a person beautiful.
That was what she tried to say, that no one ever does that anymore- Feel, love or even care.
He looked at her and she wasn’t crying anymore, but he knew that her heart ache as her eyes started wondering to those far away places she sometimes spaced out to.
She wanted the world to go blind, not because of her own selfish reasons, but for his.
Some people, like him, live their entire life trying to find someone that sees the beauty within them just to get ignored, and beautiful people, like her, live their whole life getting admired but consumed in a way that tells them that their physical beauty is all that matters.
His beautiful little sister who, if even possible, had a more magical heart than face, wanted the world to blind so that people would start to hear each others hearts.
- F.E.W

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