Forever and Her.

I see the way you look at her still, and there is so much you should know.
There was a day, long before yesterday, when she was a girl she thought she knew.
These were the days when there was sun rays in her smile and butterflies playing in her hair, and she- she was always laughing.
But just as waves hit the shore, life happens to people, never leaving anything or anyone the way they were. But it’s not the changes in ourselves that scare us, we know that we will never be what we were yesterday and we can not possibly know anything about tomorrow.
Nevertheless, promises about forever is what we hang on to, believing that’s what will save us after all.
Those are the things girls like her hang onto.
She’s been everywhere and seen everything, and I’ll tell you- the world has really tried to wash away that smile too many times. Sometimes, it even succeeded.
Changes in people don’t happen to the ones that stay at home, sleep a lot and live safe.
It happens to the people that live life dangerously on all levels, -the ones who fall in love helplessly, that travel and explore, that open up, dream and think bigger.
But just as dangerous as loving a person is, loving the world gives it the power to destroy you.
And if the waves keeps coming, the changes are inevitable.
Last time I saw her, the ocean washed her ashore as a paler, more quiet version of herself.
She still has a killer smile, and eyes filled with love and compassion that only the people who really seen the world has.
And as beautifully sad as changes may be, the greatest tragedy will forever be to try to stay the same when the universe itself changes you.
I think she misses knowing who she was and I think she misses herself, daily and deeply.
And with that said, she’s been dreaming of a life that will never change and seeking promises about forever.
The type of unrealistic-out-of-fashion-kind-of-love that your generation would not know a thing about. All your generation knows about is self love or the self interest that can be combined with love.
But for her, that 1920’s type of love, has been romanticized to the point where she won’t settle for anything less.
And son, all I know is this, if there was a way for you to tell her that things would never change, that somewhere, somehow in this world, you will find her a forever, that should be the first and last thing you’d wish for.
Grandparents love inspired me to write this. Call your granny or grandpa!